Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance provides peace of mind to protect you and your business from claims due to your negligence, misrepresentation, breach of contract, or advice while delivering professional services.

Why Do You Need Professional Liability Insurance?

Our team of in-house underwriting experts tailors professional liability insurance to fit your business and help preserve your reputation. Our coverage can help shield your assets from rising lawsuits and defense costs.

It's All About Speed

Our Professional Lines Underwriters average 14 years of experience. This allows them to use their considerable knowledge to develop unique solutions that meet the needs of our brokers and their clients.

Excess Professional Liability Insurance Excess Professional Liability Insurance


Excess Professional Liability Insurance


For law firms up to 20 attorneys, our professional liability insurance provides comprehensive coverage.

professional liability insurance

Insurance Agents

We focus on insurance agents with up to $10M in gross commission.

Real Estate

Real Estate

For real estate agents and brokers, property managers, appraisers, auctioneers and more.

Miscellaneous Errors and Omissions

Miscellaneous Errors & Omissions

Our insurance for other professionals encompassing nonstandard risks and newly established entities.

Let’s Get Started

Our team is standing by and ready to create the E&S insurance solution that meets your unique needs.